Did you know that, according to the Centers for Disease Control, about 15 million households rely on private wells for their water? There?s plenty of reasons you might be interested in getting a well digger on your property. There?s more to this process, though, than simply digging a hole and calling it a day. Here?s a few important things you should keep in mind.
Why Some People Prefer Wells
Although public water is supposed to be tested and safe for consumption, it?s no secret that this isn?t always the case — and there is contention over just what is considered ?safe.? Flint?s water crisis in Michigan undermined this point recently — it took many months and delays for city officials to finally act on the state of water, even though it was poisoning numerous locals. And it?s worth noting that public water doesn?t need to be completely ?clean? of contaminants, it just needs to have a low enough percentage of any contaminant to be found acceptable — and these ?acceptable? levels are often lowered later after further testing.
Why is Residential Well Drilling Something an Expert is Needed For?
If you?ve ever tried to dig a hole in your backyard, you likely already know the answer to this — it?s more difficult than it might originally seem. But more importantly, well digging companies aren?t just simply picking a level area and digging a hole. They make sure that not only will you be able to access the local water table, but you?re not going to be completely depleting it. If you draw too much water, you can actually end up lowering the water table. Not only will this mean you?ll need a deeper well, but it can actually cause the ground in your area to sink — leading to potential property foundation issues.
What Well Water Doesn?t Have
A well digger will likely advise you to do research on what you will get, exactly, when you get well water. For instance, well water is typically not treated by the local municipality, meaning that you will need to get it routinely tested to make sure it is safe to drink. This can also mean that your water may taste or smell like the local mineral content. If your water smells like eggs, for example, this can be because it?s located near sulphur rock — which does not represent any sort of health hazard, but it can make people uneasy if they are not used to it.
Water is an important part of our everyday lives, and many people fail to get enough water on a daily basis. You can change this in your life by investing in a residential well; just make sure that you know the facts before hiring a local well digger.