Thanks to the internet, consumers are able to research, compare, and buy products from the convenience of home. This accessibility to so much information has changed the typical shopper into a thrifty hunter, able to find the best deal with ease. Shoppers now also have higher expectations for products and services; if one company won’t do it right, there is sure to be one that will for the sake of gaining customers. Unfortunately for homeowners looking to sell, this sentiment applies to you as you try selling your home. Sellers who invest money in home improvement projects see a significant increase in interest for their home.
Fences for Homes
Fences are an easy way to denote your property, potentially saving homeowners from regular disputes with the neighbors. There are about 99,939 businesses in the U.S. that offer services like fence installation or sell different fence styles to create the fence you need. Privacy fences typically use pressure treated wood posts due to their durability and economical pricing of around $10 per post. An aluminum fence is shown to increase the curb appeal of a home while offering a safe return of investment around 65%.
Decks and Porches
A front yard porch or backyard deck can be one of the most defining additions to a home. In the U.S. a wood deck has an average return on investment of 87%. There are around 40 million decks in the country that are over 20 years old and in need of renovation or replacement. Like decks, porches come in a variety of customizable styles, inspiring a number of screened in porch ideas. Some of these screened in porch ideas can include ceiling windows for a sunroom or even a luxurious outdoor fireplace for maximum comfort. Most homebuyers have seen everything a typical home has to offer, make sure your home stands out to increase its value and sell quickly.