Energy efficient homes are extremely popular in this day and age. For one thing, a home that burns off less energy tends to be more eco-friendly than other types of homes. For another, they ultimately end up saving homeowners a lot of money. Energy inefficient homes are typically those that are somewhat older; many people buy homes without knowing how old their boilers and furnaces are, as well as their general heating and cooling systems. This means that you could very well have a system that needs to be repaired, or even replaced, to attain the highest level of efficiency. With that being said, some younger homes have inefficient systems as well, simply due to the types of systems that they are. Below, we’ll look into how you can the most out of your heating and air conditioning systems, as well as how to tell whether or not it’s time to look into repairs and replacements. The more proactive you are about your heating and air conditioning, the less you’ll end up spending each month. And though you may not want to spend on heating and air conditioning right now, spending now may save you a lot of money in the long term.
Boilers: From Repairs To Replacements
Many homes have boilers, and this means that many are in need of boiler repairs or replacements — sometimes without the homeowner’s knowledge. In fact, some homeowners don’t even know exactly how boilers work. Boilers are essentially heating devices, and are mainly used to heat water. If you’ve noticed that you water isn’t getting as hot as it once did — or isn’t heating at all — chances are likely that you’re in need of a boiler repair. A boiler repair is something that a lot of homeowners might put off, simply because they don’t think that it’s too serious of an issue — but if your boiler breaks, you’ll probably be entirely without hot water for days while awaiting an emergency replacement. Of course, there does come to be a time when a boiler repair isn’t enough, and a replacement is both more cost effective, and safer. Furthermore, if you replace your boiler before it breaks, you’ll probably be able to avoid your boiler breaking entirely and the subsequent loss of hot water. On average, the life expectancy for a boiler is 15 years.
Furnaces: Managing Them Practically
If a boiler is used to heat your water, a furnace is often used to heat everything else. Typically, a furnace can be expected to last for 230 years — so while you may be able to rely on your general heating systems for a longer time than you would your boiler, there are still issues that can pop up. If your heating system is between 12 and 15 years old, doesn’t supply enough warmth, cycles on and off irregularly, consumes too much energy, and emits unusual noises, you may want to look into replacing it. In fact, if you do find that you need to replace your furnace, it may be a good idea to replace it with something more efficient. High efficiency furnaces are becoming more and more popular. Not only do they save you money — they’ll actually keep you warm, which is more than a lot of people can currently say for their furnaces. The last thing you want is to be faced with a broken furnace and a freezing home during the winter.
Air Conditioning: Why You Shouldn’t Accept An Inefficient System
People are used to air conditioning in this day and age — while it might not be strictly needed in every home, it is something that enhances people’s comfort. Of course, air conditioning systems can be financially draining, and a lot of people find that they spend more on their air conditioning than many other parts of their home. This can be remedied by replacing your air conditioning system with something more efficient. The sooner you have your air conditioning system checked out and repaired or replaced, the sooner you’ll save money.