3 Signs Your AC Unit Is on the Brink of Death

Homeowners have the responsibility of keeping their homes comfortable. Regular maintenance tasks are essential, like changing the AC filter at least quarterly. Many problems could occur with your air conditioner, so it’s a good idea to find a reliable contractor to provide HVAC services. This way, if you have any AC parts that go bad, you will know there is a trustworthy company that can repair them.

There can be many reasons for HVAC failure, including poor maintenance. If you ignore air conditioner compressor problems (like overheating or a coolant link), you can end up with a non-working air conditioning unit. Another issue related to the compressor could be with the refrigerant lines. These lines can get holes in them, requiring professional repair.

If your air conditioner changes temperature by itself, it is most likely related to the thermostat. The battery in the thermostat may need to be changed. Change the battery in the unit. If that doesn’t work, the programmed temperature of the AC may need to be adjusted. If you have repetitive problems with your AC unit, ask the HVAC contractor if you are better off with a new unit.

Ask the HVAC contractor if you are better off with a new unit.

Before residential HVAC units bite the dust, they’re going to let their owners know that they’re on their way out, and that air conditioning companies should probably be called in. Here are just a few of the signs.

It’s Just Not Working Properly. If an AC unit isn’t cooling a home as well as it used to, then chances are it’s starting to break down. This could be the result of a number of things. Perhaps the refrigerant is leaking. Maybe the thermostat has an issue. The unit may even need a new compressor. Whatever it may be, though, it’s going to need fixing if you want your home to be cool.

Your Utility Bills Are Abnormally High. If you’ve noticed your utility bill is getting higher and higher, it may be the fault of your AC unit, which, in that case, could be starting to break. Higher energy bills indicate that the AC unit is not working as efficiently as it possibly could. This might be the result of a dirty air filter, or a chocked condensing coil, or something else. When this begins happening, you’re going to want to get a pro in there to fix it, otherwise you’re going to keep paying more in energy bills for less service from your AC unit.

It’s Making Funny Sounds. When an AC unit starts making grinding, squealing, or even grating sounds, then chances are something’s busted inside the unit. If whatever the problem may be isn’t dealt with right away, then chances are it could cause the rest of the unit to break. In other words, it may lead to even more repairs down the road, or even need replacing.

In addition to fixing air conditioners, air conditioning companies can also perform maintenance on units — they can change HVAC air filters and replace AC coils — ensuring that the units continue to run as efficiently as they possibly can.

If you think you might need the help of air conditioning companies soon, feel free to share the problem you’re having in the comments.

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