When many of us think about buying and selling homes we think of these as a happy times. The fact of the matter is, however, there are many times when the decision to sell a home is anything but happy. From knowing how to sell my house in a divorce to understanding the steps you can take to stop foreclosure, there are many times when it is important to get the fastest results possible.
Real estate transactions are often complicated when they involve a situation where you need to get cash for your home as fast as possible. Whether you are wondering how to sell my house in a divorce so that you can divide your assets or you are trying to sell my inherited house, it is important to make sure that you are working with a realtor or a buyer who can help you get the cash you need as quickly as possible.
Immediate Real Estate Transactions Can Help You Get the Help That You Need
Although there are many reasons that houses are put up for sell, it is important to work with a realtor that can help you get the results that you need. For instance, American home owners move every five to seven years on average. In addition to these kinds of sales, however, there are also other times when people need to sell a property. A medical emergency, for instance, might require you to sell a house so that you can get the cash you need to pay for the doctor’s bills.
And while some people are trying to sell their homes because they are in need of money, there are other times when people inherit a home and want to find a way to turn that extra property into cash that can be used for other purposes. Consider some of these extra facts and figures about the real estate industry and some of the challenging times when people need to make a quick sale:
- A well priced home could sell within three to 10 days in a high-demand seller’s market.
- A well priced home could take a month or more to sell in a buyer’s market.
- The typical home is a three bedroom, two and a half bathroom house with 1,800 square feet and a price tag of $200,000.
- 38% of respondents said they would most likely be scared if they faced a foreclosure, according to a Harris Interactive poll.
- Unfortunately, 250,000 new families enter into foreclosure every three months.
- In fact, 1 out of every 200 homes will be foreclosed upon.
Whether you need to know how to sell my house in a divorce or how to sell my house for other pressing reasons, it is important that you work with the right kind of realtor or buyer to make sure that you achieve your goals.