Explore the Practicality of Residential Lifts in Your Home

While having an elevator in your home may seem like an over-the-top luxury, a recent survey conducted by the National Association of Home Builders found that over 25% of homeowners in America felt residential lifts or elevators were highly desirable or even necessary.

Residential lifts are not like the elevators you ride in large office buildings. They are much smaller and generally designed for only one or two people at a time. The increase in elevators being installed in homes has allowed more elderly people to stay in their homes longer.

One study showed that over 90% of elderly participants reported they would prefer to stay in their home, opposed to going to live in a nursing home or assisted living facility. An elevator can make that possible for many.

However, it is not just the elderly that see the need for an elevator. There are nearly seven million Americans that use mobility assistance devices to get around. This could be a wheelchair, walker, or crutches among other things. Residential lifts help those with mobility problems stay independent.

For many, the only option is to buy a house that is wheelchair accessible and has everything on a single floor. However, finding a new place to live is unrealistic for many, and undesirable for most. People don’t want to feel forced to sell their home due to mobility issues.

While some may assume that installing an elevator is too expensive or simply unrealistic, there are many elevator companies that can come out to inspect the home. They can provide the home owner with their options, as well as prices for those options.

Chairlifts may also be an option depending on the home you live in, the layout, and how many floors you want access to. You do have to keep in mind that installing an elevator may not be a one-time expense. You need to take preventative elevator maintenance into account, as well as elevator service. The last thing you ever want to experience is your elevator breaking.

Despite these potential expenses, the benefits of residential lifts are invaluable. There is no price that can be placed on an individual’s freedom and independence. The ability to stay in your home for as long as you want is a gift that many do not realize.

Until you are put in a position where you are being forced to sell your home and move simply because you have trouble getting around, you will not understand the painfulness of that decision.

Residential lifts are also very practical for short-term disability. For example, if someone is unable to use stairs for a few months due to surgery, installing a lift very well may be less expensive that having to stay in a rehabilitation facility or have constant nursing care on hand.

When mobility is hindered, the top concern is always for safety. Not being able to safely get around your home can lead to slips, falls, and serious injuries. If you live alone, the risks are even more serious.

The healthcare costs associated with accidents in the home due to decreased mobility are also going to be significantly more than the cost of having a lift installed in your home.

The first step is calling an elevator company and getting an idea of what your options are for your specific home. Once you have that information and the corresponding price information, you can make an educated decision based on cost and benefits.

No one should ever be forced out of their home due to something that can be simply remedied with a residential lift. The comfort and security a home provides is invaluable, and the gift of independence and freedom enables people to stay positive and appreciate what they have available to them.

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