Matters of flooring are hugely important here in the United States, there is certainly no doubt about this fact. After all, the flooring industry is excelling, with more than $21 billion worth of flooring sales made back in the year of 2017, a number that has held firm in the year or so that has transpired since. And the flooring options that are currently available are vast, from vinyl flooring to hardwood flooring to carpeting.
Hardwood flooring is particularly popular, with more than half of all prospective home buyers (around 54% of them, as a matter of fact) actually willing to spend more money on a home that incorporates hardwood floors to at least some extent, if not entirely throughout the home as a whole. For many people, hardwood flooring adds a certain something special and this is only compounded on by the fact that hardwood floors tend to be extremely durable, lasting for hundreds of years when cared for properly.
But hardwood flooring is not always a viable option, and not just because of the additional expense that such hardwood flooring so often accrues. In fact, hardwood flooring is being replaced more and more frequently by flooring options like click lock bamboo flooring for a number of viable reasons here in the United States and likely in many other places all around the world as well. For starters, click lock bamboo flooring and other such locking bamboo floors are a much more environmentally sound choice than your typical hardwood flooring.
For one thing, hardwood trees typically used for hardwood flooring are not always incredibly sustainable. Though new trees can be planted, of course, such hardwood trees will usually take a bare minimum of 20 years before becoming fully matured. In some cases, they can easily take as many as 60 years before fully becoming matured. Though forestland currently covers more than one fourth of the entire world (around 30%, to be more exact), there are still concerns surrounding deforestation when it comes to the use of hardwood here in the United States, let alone in many other places all throughout the world.
Fortunately, the use of click lock bamboo flooring is more prevalent than ever before, especially here in the United States, and provides an alternative to traditional hardwood floors. After all, bamboo as a whole is a far more sustainable option than other types of flooring here in the United States, particularly that of hardwood flooring. In fact, bamboo will only take a maximum of five years to grow back – and sometimes only three, meaning that click lock bamboo flooring can be created using a much more renewable resource, one that is easily harvested and easily grown and easily made into flooring like click lock bamboo flooring or even strand woven bamboo flooring.
However, there are many varieties of bamboo that can go into making click lock bamboo flooring for use all around the world. For instance, it is most frequently Phyllostachys bamboo that is used to make bamboo flooring like click lock bamboo flooring, as this type of bamboo can grow taller than other varieties, easily reaching a height of five feet over the course of just one year. This, of course, makes such bamboo economically efficient than other types of bamboo found growing all throughout the world.
And bamboo flooring options like click lock bamboo flooring actually frequently outperforms most traditional hardwoods then it comes to the strength of these floors and their overall hardness. As a matter of fact, only hardwoods like Brazilian Teak, Tiete Chestnut, and Brazilian Walnut are actually harder than bamboo flooring such as strand bamboo flooring, according to the Janka hardness scale.
At the end of the day, there are many options for flooring out there in the world, and bamboo flooring options such as click lock bamboo flooring have become truly more viable than ever before not only just here in the United States but in many other places all throughout the world as a whole as well. For many people, click lock bamboo flooring is quite cost effective as well.