Traveling back 400,000 years, you’ll discover that carving wood was one of the first art forms humans developed. Here in 2019, it remains incredibly popular, as countless homes are now adorned with various types of wood molding, all of which help complete the look of a room significantly. If you are thinking of remodeling your living space, consider adding one of the many types of wood moldings on the market. It’s an affordable move that you are sure to enjoy for years to come.
Making the Right Choice for Your Home
Now, there are lots of choice out there, so it is important to take your time when deciding on the trim in your house. Feeling overwhelmed? Take a step back. Excitement can quickly diminish when you get to the hardware store and come face-to-face with countless questions like, What is rope trim molding? Should I invest in carved wood onlays? Should I get mini corbels, large corbels, or no corbels at all?
There are lots of things to consider, so write down your questions and make a firm plan on what it is you want before making any purchases. The last thing you need is to get everything installed, only to discover it’s not really what you had in mind. As long as it is properly maintained, wood can last for decades upon decades, so it’s not something you want to rush into. Take it slow, so you end up happier than ever with your final results.
Homebuyers Love Crown Molding
As stated above, there are lots of molding options out there. Which one will up the value of your home the most? Well, any choice is a good bet, but there was a large preference shown for crown molding in a study done by the NAHB. In fact, when listing essential items for their home, 62% of the people listed crown moldings as third.
If you’re not sure which molding style to go with, crown is always a safe bet. Curious as to how fluted molding will look in your home? Find yourself wondering, What is rope trim molding anyway? Feeling run down by the questions piling up in your head? Stick with crown molding. It looks great and will make your room look elegant and complete. That’s all a homebuyer truly wants.
Between carved wood trim, vintage moldings, traditional corbels, and more, there’s a lot of remodeling choices out there, so start looking today. There’s no time to lose!