Homeowners face many risks to the safety of their homes. Recent news has brought attention to the devastation caused by hurricanes. If you are dealing with hurricane damage to your home, you may want to find out how much damage your home has sustained.
It’s common to be most concerned about roof damage from wind after storms like hurricanes. Ensuring your roof has remained intact is a prudent concern after these storms, so contacting a roof contractor for a roof damage assessment makes sense. During a roof assessment, the contractors will be able to detect any signs of roof damage and advise on any work that should be done to protect your roof.
After a storm, it’s not always easy to see all the problems of a wind damaged roof. A roofing assessment can be a relief, especially if no problems are detected. A roof inspector may also be able to see if you need a chimney repair, although they are not likely to be able to repair your chimney. Be sure to check with your home insurance company to find out if they have a preferred roofing contractor that you must use to cover the inspection.

As many people throughout the country are looking forward to the end of winter, there is another group of people who are dreading the change in weather and the problems that the spring and summer season can bring. It is an unfortunate fact that just as people in the northern parts of the country and the midwest are so thankful that winter weather is finally over, people in the south and on the east coast enter the traditional hurricane season. And while snow and ice is something that goes away on its own as the temperatures warm, the effects of last season’s hurricanes are still evident in many places like Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. Even more unfortunate are the people who live in Puerto Rico who are still dealing with major problems of still not having access to safe drinking water and electricity.
From upgrading to impact sliding glass doors, hurricane proof windows, and other important modifications, many people who live in places where they deal with hurricanes use this time of the year to make sure that they are prepared for the upcoming storm season.
Making Hurricane Preparations Can Help You Avoid Some Problems During a Storm
If you live in an area of the country that is susceptible to hurricanes you are likely aware of the precautions that you should take in an attempt to protect your home. From working with glass door manufacturers to make sure that you are choosing products like hurricane proof sliding glass doors and other supplies, you can give your home the best chance of surviving many storms. Consider some of these facts and figures about recent hurricanes and the damage that they can cause, especially if you do not install impact sliding glass doors or other recommended products:
- 158 hurricanes hit the U.S. during the 20th century. Most of them, 57 to be exact, hit Florida, with Texas coming in second with 26.
- Hurricane Irma was was a Category 5 storm with 185 mile-per-hour winds for 37 hours, earning it the title of the most powerful Atlantic hurricane in recorded history.
- In a feat that has not happened since 1893, 2017 spawned an incredible 10 storms in a row that became hurricanes.
- With twice as much power as all bombs used in World War II, hurricane Irma held 7 trillion watts of energy. No wonder buildings in hurricane prone areas are encouraged to install impact sliding glass doors and other products.
Investing in hurricane sliding glass doors and other recommended products can help you provide some protection to your property during the upcoming and future hurricane seasons.