There are many states that are limited to their outdoor entertainment time. These are states that experience all four seasons and much of the year is filled with snow or cold weather that does not permit extended outdoor time. This also means that there is little time available to prepare for the few months that are perfect for outdoor activities. The spring weather is the perfect time for spring cleaning and outdoor renovations that will improve your summer entertaining activities. As spring quickly approaches us, consider the following improvements to your outdoor area for the best entertainment setup.
Pool installation or renovation
Houses with pools in four season states have to close their pools in the fall, and then reopen them again in the spring. Right now is the perfect time to begin your pool opening process. You may have the ability to open your pool yourself or you may choose to hire a professional. Once the pool is open, it may require extensive cleaning or pool renovations. Considering that the weather is currently still too cold to utilize the pool, it is the perfect time to have those needed renovations completed.
This is also the perfect time to add a swimming pool to your current property. If you have always dreamed of having access to your own pool, the spring is the best time to explore your options. Swimming pool builders will only get busier as the weather warms up even more. Adding a pool to your current land not only increases your family?s entertainment options, but also increases the value of your house. Pools can add about 7% to home?s value.
Hot tubs
If you do not have the space needed for a pool or do not want to take on the responsibility of maintaining a pool, instead consider a hot tub. Hot tubs make perfect additions to a backyard. Although you cannot entirely swim in a hot tub, you can relax and unwind after a busy day in one. The added benefit to installing a hot tub is that they can usually be utilized all year long. If you have a place close to the house for the hot tub installation, you can even use it in the winter months.
Outdoor kitchens
Think about how frequently you use your barbeque during the summer months. Some people may eat the majority of their meals outdoors to enjoy the full extent of the wonderful weather. However, you are somewhat limited when it comes to cooking on a barbeque. You do not have the ability to create side dishes or unique meals that require the oven. Outdoor kitchens give you the ability to expand your meal options and to cater to an additional amount of people.
Additionally, you are likely to see a significant return in value on your outdoor kitchens. Adding an outdoor kitchen sees an average ROI of 100 to 200%. Potential home buyers will enjoy the addition of the kitchen and the ability to extend their cooking and entertaining abilities to the outdoors.
Screen enclosures
Even during the summer, there will be days that are not warm enough or dry enough to enjoy the outdoors. If there is a lot of rain or very windy of days, your summer outdoor days can be limited. That is, unless you provide a way to shelter the exterior weather, such as with screen enclosures. Screen enclosures can be designed around a patio, deck, or even outdoor kitchens. You can still utilize your outdoor kitchen, even when it is raining.
States that experience heavy snow falls tend to take more advantage of the few months of warm weather they do get. They have more outdoor barbeques and spend more time outdoors during these warmer months. In fact, in a Houzz study, 56% of respondents were updating their yards to make them friendlier for entertaining. Design your perfect outdoor entertaining space by considering an outdoor pool, hot tub, outdoor kitchens, or screen enclosures.