If you’re living in the United States, there’s a great chance that radon is present in your home. While the levels can vary in every house, it’s still crucial to find out if you need radon abatement for your property. And you need to keep in mind that determining radon gas levels is a difficult task that requires the assistance of professionals from a local radon testing company.
However, it’s a bad idea to hire just about any company that does radon mitigation and abatement services. You must do your homework to evaluate which company is reputable and able to perform precise and reliable radon gas testing.
If you do not have your home tested for amounts of radon, you will not know if the current levels exceed the US Environmental Protection Agency’s allowable limits.
Weigh These Factors When Choosing a Radon Abatement Company
When you think about the fact that around one in every 15 houses is expected to be at or above the EPA action threshold in the United States, it’s more pertinent than ever to ascertain if your home is safe and protected from this lethal gas. Scientists predict that lowering radon levels in residences above the EPA’s action level will help reduce lung cancer mortality rates by 2 to 4%, or about 5,000 deaths.
With radon testing kits available for purchase at hardware stores, you have an option to do the testing yourself. Still, most homeowners prefer to hire a professional company to carry out the necessary inspection and analysis. Doing so can assure they have extensive experience to perform the job well.
However, if you don’t want your efforts to go down the drain, it’s not a good idea to hire the first radon company you encounter. If you don’t do your research first, there’s a great possibility that you’ll just be wasting your money and still fail.
That’s why you should remember to check the following factors when choosing a radon abatement company:
1. Offers Reasonable Rates
An overwhelming majority of people are oblivious and uninformed of the radon abatement processes and strategies. As a result, unethical and deceitful radon testing companies may stand to benefit from your cluelessness.
If the contractor you hire charges you with a very low or excessively high fee, there’s a good chance that it’s a shady company. When you take into account the stringent processes necessary for radon mitigation, you’ll want to reconsider if the cost seems to be exorbitant.
2. Their Contractors Are Licensed and Certified
A reputable radon company should have the requisite licensing and certification to conduct a thorough inspection. In most cases, they require their specialists to complete advanced training programs to be prepared for the rigorous job.
You must focus on ensuring that the radon mitigation company is certified by the following organizations:
- United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- National Radon Safety Board (NSRB)
- National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP)
3. Carries Out On-site Inspections
Assessing the levels of radon in your home is straightforward and easy for a reputable company. When they arrive at the site, the first thing they’ll do is perform a thorough evaluation. Following the collection of data, they will assess the framework of the house to determine the best radon risk response.
Avoid radon testing companies that do not perform an on-site examination because they will be unable to accurately evaluate your home’s specific needs. You’ll end up with a basic installation that may not be suitable for your situation.
4. Procedures for Reliable Diagnosis
Specialists from the radon company will show up at your home to perform initial checks and diagnostics. However, it should be noted that testing is necessary both after and before the installation.
Some businesses bypass the crucial testing period after installing the mitigation system. Nonetheless, it is a crucial process because it determines whether the installation has been effective and successful.
Ensure Your Family’s Safety by Picking the Right Radon Company
The qualities listed above will help you choose a reputable company with which to work with. Radon mitigation Colorado companies, as well as others in many parts of the country, can help you determine and abate radon levels in your home. Only when it is finished will you be certain if it is safe for you and your family to live in.