You made it to and from our destination safely, but it was a road trip that you hope you never have to repeat. From the snow storm that you drove through to get to your daughter’s first college gymnastics meet of the season to the fog that you drove through on the through the night trip back home, you never really felt in danger. There were, however, many times when the visibility was a challenge. Fortunately, you made the majority of the trip in Iowa, a state that had in the last decade increased its use of reflective lights on guard rails, as well as increased the amount of illumination in the divided lines on the interstate, as well as the solid lines on the edge of the road.
Often when we think of the lighting industry and the reflective products that are available we think about the residential and commercial use of these products. The fact of the matter is, however, their are also many industrial uses for products that may have originally been used for indoor spaces. Likewise, there are a number of outdoor luminosity products that are also finding their way into warehouses and other commercial spaces.
Roadway Lighting and Reflective Devices Help Create Safer Driving Conditions
Whether you are traveling long distances for a college athletic event or you are leaving for work early in the morning for your job, there are many times when the lighting that is available will help you get where you need to go. As technologies develop, in fact, there are an increasing number of products that keep all kinds of areas well lit. One of the most convenient inventions when it comes to lighting is LED explosion proof fixtures. Built to perform effectively and economically in areas that may be difficult to service, LED explosion proof fixtures are also used in spaces that are expensive to shut down, as well as any location requiring an increased degree of safety. Compared with conventional lighting, these EV LED fixtures consume up to 85% less energy and typically last as long as 50,000 hours or more. With this long life, these fixtures can be scheduled for regular maintenance and rarely need any other kind of maintenance.
Both at work in warehouses across the country and on interstates throughout the nation, there are a number of times when the right lighting product provides both functionality and safety.