Washing machines are built to last at least one decade. That may be true but there are times when all appliances need to be repaired. These can be costly. The typical price tag for home appliances ran between $254 and $275 in 2014. The good news is that there are things you can do to prevent the need for washing machine repairs.
- Start by using the correct detergent. People often overlook how important this can be. For most washing machines, regular detergent will work great. If you have a high efficiency model, you need to use a detergent that is formulated for that kind of machine. These are made to leave less in the way of buildup. If you get too much buildup, you will wind up with a big bill for washing machine repairs.
- Go through your pockets before washing your clothes. Do you do this before you put in a load of laundry? You should. Often we put things in our pockets such as money (coins and paper money), keys or even gum in our pockets. This can produce problems for our washing machines that require washing machine repairs to be made. You can do a lot of damage to your clothing items and to your washing machine. To be safe, you should take some time to check your pockets before you put them in to be washed.
- Between washings, your lid should remain open. People often close their washing machines after each use. The laundry room or area often looks more neat when we do this. It is a better idea to keep it open for a few hours after you run a load. When you close the machine, the moisture from your wash is not able to effectively evaporate. This can lead to the creation of the perfect environment for bacteria and mold to grow and thrive. You can prevent this by keeping the lid open.
- Clean your washer. From time to time, it is a good idea to use white vinegar to clean your clothing. This will have the benefit of cleaning the machine at the same time. Both your clothing and the washing machine will be a lot cleaner and your clothing will come out fresher when you do this from time to time. This is an easy step you can take to ward off the need for pricy washing machine repairs. If you just want to clean the washing machine, you should add the vinegar into both the tub but also into the place where you add your fabric softener.
- Keep the outside of the machine clean. Your enamel is an important part of the appliance. When you do your cleaning around your home, taking some time to clean the outside of your washing machine can extend its life. You should also take the time to clean any parts that can be removed from your washing machine.
- Listen to your washer. You should get to know your machine. You should do this will all of your appliances. One way to spot the need for washing machine and dryer repairs when the repairs needed are small is to know what the appliances sound like when they are working. If you are running your appliances and you notice a strange sound, you can call in the repair people in before the repairs that you need get to be expensive.
- Pay attention to the hoses. From time to time, you should make it a point to check all of the hoses in your washing machine. It is also a good idea to replace the hoses every six to 12 months. It is easier and cheaper to replace your hoses than to have to replace the washing machine.
- Check the filters. You probably know that you need to keep an eye on your air filters for your HVAC system but your washing machine has air filters that need to be checked and replaced on a regular basis.
Our home appliances make life a lot more convenient. Most people could not imagine not having a dishwasher, for example. Keeping our clothing clean is the job of our washing machines. These 8 tips can help us keep them healthy and happy.