No one wants a wet basement.
However, it’s one of the more unfortunate inevitabilities of owning a home. It’s estimated that a shocking 98% of homes with basements will experience water damage due to basement water leaks at some point.
However, there are some things you can do to help reduce your risk of basement water damage, preserving your home’s value and saving you constant headaches over the years. One of the best ways to keep wet basements at bay is by investing in a basement waterproofing procedure.
Not sure if you’re making all the right choices by seeking out a basement waterproofing procedure? Find out with this list of the biggest dos and don’ts of water proofing a basement:
Do: Research as much as possible
Before having your basement waterproofed, it’s essential to research the three different methods of waterproofing that are in use today. This will help you determine which foundation sealing company you should contact.
Don’t: Try to DIY
While there are a number of do-it-yourself basement sealants on the market, these will only provide a temporary fix to the problem, at best. No two wet basements are the same, and it takes a professional basement sealing expert to determine the best waterproofing method for your basement.
Do: Look for the source of the leak
To help keep your basement as dry as possible before your waterproofing procedure, search for the source of the leak and try to cut it off. While this isn’t a permanent fix, it will keep excess water from entering your home.
Don’t: Ignore the leak
Ignoring your leaky basement now will inevitably lead to much worse leaks and floods later on. If a basement isn’t waterproofed, the home’s foundation will gradually deteriorate — something that can cost tens of thousands of dollars to fix. To prevent this from happening, get a basement waterproofing as soon as possible.
Do you agree with this list? Have any other questions about home waterproofing and foundation sealing? Let us know in the comments. To see more, read this. Refernce materials.