If you’re on the fence about residential solar energy for your home, it might be because you’ve been told one of these three myths about solar energy pros and cons. So don’t believe these urban legends:
My Neighbors Won’t Like It
Despite a handful of articles about angry, busybody neighbors objecting to residential solar panels, multiple studies have firmly rejected this misconception. While you can find anecdotes about neighbors upset over large residential solar energy setups, you can also find anecdotes about neighbors getting upset about literally everything else under the sun, too.
In fact, the truth is the opposite in this case. Studies from the University of Connecticut, Yale, and European researchers all confirm that “peer influence” is the single most driving factor in new solar energy installations. What does that mean? Installing solar panels makes your neighbors far more likely to install residential solar energy systems on their property.
Far from displeasing neighbors, residential solar energy is contagious.
Only Rich People Can Afford Solar Power
Despite this common myth about solar energy, the cost of solar photo-voltaic panels dropped by 80% between 2009 and 2013, and it’s been falling ever since. In one particularly advantageous quarter of 2010, the price dropped 63% in a matter of months!
That study from the University of Connecticut also found that in that state middle class Americans were actually far more likely to install residential solar systems than their neighbors in the 1%.
Residential Solar Power Is Just A (Insert Insult Here)…
Fad, novelty, trend, diversion for yuppies… solar installers have heard it all, and since they actually meet the U.S. citizens who purchase solar systems, they also know how false that narrative is. The Energy Information Administration even says that at least 1 million U.S. households will feature solar energy systems in the next five years.
This year, Massachusetts solar installers reached an ambitious benchmark of creating 1,600 megawatts of solar power by the end of the decade. And as more electrical and utility companies offer rebates or reduced rates for solar generators, residential solar energy systems make more financial sense every year. Saving money on your electrical bills is just one of the benefits of solar energy.
Of course, there’s also that whole thing about saving the environment, or whatever.
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